Примеры употребления для electric locomotive
1. Kim Ju Gyo of the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Factory played a main role in manufacturing the nation‘s first electric locomotive "Pulgungi 1" and had the honor of receiving Kim Il Sung Order in the subsequent period.
2. A presentation ceremony took place at the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Factory on Jan. 20.
3. He spoke with pride of the heroic drive waged by its workers to produce the first electric locomotive in hearty response to the instructions given by President Kim Il Sung during his field guidance given to the then West Pyongyang Railway Factory in August, Juche 48 (1'5'). At that time the President encouraged them to display the spirit of self–reliance, telling them to be bold enough to try to manufacture an electric locomotive on their own.
4. Their first descent into the abyss started with an 800 metre ride through tunnels and caverns on the old Miners Tramway, a train hauled by a battery–electric locomotive.
5. The new electric locomotive and modern coaches have been tested for all parameters during the trials and traction and signalling mechanism has been upgraded to ensure safe and comfortable ride for passengers.